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Duo Giampaolo Bandini and Cesare Kyakkyaretty (Ensemble)

Italian duo Giampaolo Bandini - Cesare Kyakkyaretta was established in 2002, mainly Argentine musicians perform music, passing it through the magic and charm of the most distinctive instruments - guitar and bandoneon. The duo immediately took its place in the international cultural life, thanks to its bright charisma and creative communication skills. Musicians are invited to participate in major festivals and performing in famous concert halls in the world. Their performances were held in Mexico, Romania, China, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, Croatia, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, the Czech Republic and Hungary, everywhere encountering the support of the public and critics.

The duo had the honor to perform Double Concerto "Hommage Liegi" Astor Piazzolla under Leo Brouwer in the Hall of Paganini in Parma and Turin and orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi" directed by Paul Berman. In 2004, the duo won the competition "Beniamino Joppolo" Città di Patti (Messina, Italy) for his outstanding achievements in music.

In 2005, the band made its debut at the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic. Their concert was such a success that the band has twice been invited to speak at this prestigious hall.

The duo collaborates with many Italian musicians and artists: Arnoldo Foa, Elio Tese delle Storey, Amanda Sandrelli, Fernando Suarez Paz, Michelle Pertuzi, Corrado Dzhuffredi, Danilo Rossi, Massimo Quarta, Enrico Brontsi, Frank Mazu, Maria Estela Monti, Enrico Fagone and many others.

Their first album "Hombres de Tango" was sold ten thousandth edition and critics greeted with great enthusiasm. Musicians have records on the radio and television in Italy and abroad. Their recent speech in Brussels was broadcast in 20 countries in Europe. Bandini and Kyakkyaretta not only concerts, but also to teach in certain academies and universities in Italy, as well as conduct master classes at summer festivals in Gubbio and Portogruaro.

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