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Concert "Voice of the tundra" Ensembles and soloists of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East
Moscow International Musical Arts Center. Grand Hall

Schedule for "Voice of the tundra" Ensembles and soloists of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East 2022

Ensembles indigenous North, Siberia and Far East
Catherine Gil , dance / vocals (Kamchatka)
Veronica USHOLIK , throat singing (Chukotka)
Radik Tyulyush , throat singing / folk instruments ( Tuva )
Vladimir Khomenko , vocals (Evenkia )
Ethnic groups " Namgar " (Buryatia), " Vedan Kolodiy " ( Krasnoyarsk Territory)
Itelmen folk ensemble " Elvel " (Kamchatka)
Colorful palette multinational folk art submitted to the subscription "Soul of Russia ", complements the "Voice of the tundra ." It represents a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the original ethnic culture of indigenous peoples of Russia, living in the North , Siberia and the Far East . Vocal imitation of natural sounds , Chukchi throat singing , Buryat folk melodies copyright arrangements , original folk instruments and colorful costumes will give the audience an unforgettable journey into a distant and unknown world .
The program - the performance of a native resident of Kamchatka, Honoured Artist of the RSFSR and the "world gulls " Catherine Gil, particularly marked for European journalists shrill voice imitation of this bird . Unique example Chukchi folklore - throat singing ( pohrip ) will present " golden voice " Veronica Usholik Chukotka . With a traditional Tuvan throat singing introduce world-renowned tradition Radik Tyulyush carrier . Evenkiytsa Vladimir Khomenko called the last romantic Russian North on the national stage . In his songs ethnic orientation delivered many dances with elements rites indigenous North, Siberia and the Far East .
Boundless steppe , moon-faced beauty and fearless heroes , fast horses and wild wind - all this talk in their songs Buryat Ethnogroup " Namgar ." Musicians ' Namgar "performed by old folk songs accompanied by unusual instruments to our ear - Chanza (genus lute ) yataga ( zither ) , trumps , Tibetan singing bowl , and even snag .
At the core of the band " Vedan Kolod " - the musical culture of medieval Russia : authentic songs of the Slavic peoples of the Russian North , Siberian immigrants , as well as his own compositions .
Ensemble " Elvel " got the name from the name of the volcano, which is connected with one of the most beautiful legends of the North. In his work reflects the culture Itelmens ensemble - one of the branches Tlingit Indians . The program " Elvel " along with authentic tunes and dances included scenes of hunting and fishing with the use of ancient musical instruments - flutes , zhuzhzhalok , tambourines .

Schedule for "Voice of the tundra" Ensembles and soloists of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East 2022

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