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Opera Modest Mussorgsky "The Fair at Sorochyntsi" Opera in three acts
Chamber Stage Boris Pokrovsky Theatre on Nikolskaya Street

Schedule for Modest Mussorgsky "The Fair at Sorochyntsi" Opera in three acts 2022

Conductor: Alexey Vereshchagin

Opera in three acts, four scenes.

Music V.YA. Shebalin


Night on Bald Mountain, Red Scroll and another devilry, permeated with unique Little Russian colour and special, purely Gogol humour - this is the background against which Gritsko and Parasi love, the heroes of "Sorochinsky Fair", the story from the series "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" flourish, set to music by the genius Mussorgsky. The Sorochinsky Fair, not completed by the composer left early, knew many attempts to give it a finished look, but only the editorial staff of Vissarion Shebalin (based on the research work of Pavel Lamm, who painstakingly restored and published all the author’s text that had been preserved, along with all the options and draft sketches) -this viable.

The premiere took place on June 14, 2000.

The premiere of renewal September 22, 2018

Duration of performance 2 hours

Age category 12+


Scene 1

The merry wheel revolves around life at the fair, where Cherevik comes with his wife Khivrey and daughter Parasya. While Cherevik is trying to sell his mare and wheat, Parasya meets a young couple Gritsko.

Before young people, Cherevik grows up. He is dissatisfied with the courtship couple. But having learned that this is the son of his old friend Okhrim Golopupenko, Cherevik takes Gritsko with open arms and agrees to give his daughter for him. Having received Magarych, Cherevik goes to the tavern.

In the meantime, a rumour has spread through the fair about a mysterious "red scroll" allegedly wanted by the devil himself ...

Evening. Cherevik and Kum come out of the tavern and drag out a song. A formidable Khivrya appears: Parasi's wedding with "some beggars" does not suit her at all. To argue with Khivrey is useless - the wedding is upset. Saddened Cherevik. Angry and grieving Gritsko. Gypsy is taken to settle the case if the lad will cheaply sell him his oxen.


Scene 2

Hut godfather, where he stopped arrived at the fair Cherevik. Khivrya is busy at the stove, cursing her sleeping husband. She is looking forward to visiting Afanasy Ivanovich, Popovic. With the awakened Cherevik Khivrya, he starts a quarrel and expels him all night from the hut to guard the mare and wheat.

Afanasy Ivanovich comes. Khivrya carefully cares for the guest. But their pleasant conversation does not last long. There is a knock at the gate. Khivrya hides the guest on the floor and opens the door.

Kum and Cherevik enter with guests. They are worried about the rumours - a “red scroll” appeared at the fair, some even saw a devil with a pig snout looking for a scroll on carts. Guests are trying to get brave, but they are not very successful. To add confidence to himself and others, Cherevik with a laugh invites the red scroll to the hut. Guests ask Kuma to tell a story about the devil and his mysterious "red scroll." Only the story is over, as the "scary image" appears in the window. Panic rises. Popovich falls from the shelf. All run up "in invincible fear."


Scene 3

The third picture Cherevik and Kum run down the street. The ladies led by the Gypsy bind them and accuse of theft. No excuses are they willing to listen. Gritsko appears. He proposes to release Cherevik, but with the condition - to marry Parasyu. Cherevik happily agrees and promises to arrange a wedding tomorrow.


Scene 4

Parasya grieves for the cute young woman and sings the sad thought. But gradually the sadness dissipates, the song of the young beauty becomes more and more cheerful, and Cherevik joins her. Kum, Gritsko and wedding guests appear. Cherevik blesses the young. When the angry Khivrya returns and tries to interfere with the wedding, the Gypsy with the ladies grab her and carry her away with a laugh. The general fun begins.

Schedule for Modest Mussorgsky "The Fair at Sorochyntsi" Opera in three acts 2022

"The Fair at Sorochyntsi" - revival
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