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Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov (Composer)

Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov was borne in one of the large it was municipal central Russia - in Voronezh, in the family of officer and Don young Cossacks. Military years were conducted in the evacuation - in the Far East.

He was fascinated by music from the early years, listening to radio. It writes from nine years. It learned in the musical school, and in 1945 it entered in the school with the Moscow conservatory. It was then accepted also in conservatory itself, in the class of composition to professor s.S.Bogatyrev. Then he especially was fascinated by Russian symphonic classics - Tschaikovsky, Borodinym, by Rakhmaninoff. In this key, still being student, wrote opera ("at the dawn of misty youth" to the subject from poet a.Kol‘tsov‘s life), ballet "song by song", three symphonies, several symphonic overtures, oratorio the "seasons" and "Sergius radonezhskiy". His symphonic poem "festival" opened in 1957 THE VI World Youth Festival and students.

After finishing as composer conservatory (but in 1966 and graduate study - according to the class Of t.Khrennikova), it soon enters there again - now already into the class of symphonic conducting to professor Leo Ginsburg. Its opuies conduct young then gennadi rozhdestvenskiy and Al‘gis Of zhyuraytis, they play and write to the plates venerable David oystrakh, Leonid Kogan and Emil gilel‘s. Ovchinnikov‘s music leaves on the domestic "melody", American of "Columbia" and "Victor", to German "Ariole".

However, present career awaits Ovchinnikov not so much on the philharmonic scene, as in the cinema. It becomes acquainted with the chief Soviet directors - S.Bondarchukom, A.Tarkovskim, By v.Zhalakyavichyusom, A.Konchalovskim, it writes music to such tapes as "they they battled for the native land", "Boris Godunov", "war and peace", "nobiliary nest", "Ivanovo is childhood", "Andrey rublev", "this sweet word - freedom". Ovchinnikov does not simply illustrate the plot of each film, but talentedly transfers psychological nuances, the spiritual peace of heroes, the landscapes of pictures. Its music becomes the important expressive element of each film - dramatic, and now and then also epic. Works composer, also, at the restoration of sound track in the films "zvenigora", "arsenal", the "Earth" of director A.Dovzhenko. Tries himself Ovchinnikov and as symphonic conductor.

His debut took place during April 1973 in Moscow, in the concert to the 100- anniversary from the birthday Of s.Rakhmaninova. Many times entered in the judges of performer competitions. Director a.Konchalovskiy noted once that Ovchinnikov - "... man of enormous talent...

Its music is shrill swing violently. It does not have borrowed style... But it entire is woven from the Russian and European culture ".

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