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Oliver Latry (Organist)

Oliver Latry, titular organist of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris and hailed as one of the world’s most distinguished organists, appeared in a recital on the Bedient organ, on Tuesday, November 1 at 7:30 pm at Saint Paul United Methodist Church in Lincoln, NE.

In 1981, at age 19, Latry was named organist of the Meaux Cathedral, a post he held for four years. In 1985, he stunned the musical world by winning a competition to serve as one of the three titular organists of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. In addition to his duties at Notre-Dame, he serves as professor of organ at the Paris Conservatory.

Mr. Latry has appeared in more than forty countries on five continents. He made his first American tour during the fall of 1986. He has subsequently made annual tours to the United States and Canada. The November 1 performance at Saint Paul United Methodist Church was his first appearance in Lincoln.

He has recorded CDs for several labels in France as well as Deutsche Gramophone. Included in his program were works by Bach, Franck, Widor, Liszt, Alain, Messaien, and Duruflй. The program concluded with one of Latry’s famed improvisations. He is considered to be among the most noted improvisateurs in the exceptional French tradition.

The program was made possible through grants from Security Federal Savings, Saint Paul United Methodist Church, Lincoln Organ Showcase, with special arrangements by Bedient Pipe Organ Company.

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